Jericho (Kinetics Book 3) by Andrew Peed
I love this book and I've enjoyed this series.
It's been a breath of fresh air on a familiar subject. It looks as though there could be more stories stored in there somewhere and we'll have to wait and see. As it is though each of these stories in this trilogy of stories has stood well within itself and brought the reader to some few conclusions as it went along. If I had a quibble it would be that if this was meant to be a trilogy-and the mention of trilogy here falls mainly on my perception-it would have been far better to at least give an illusion that all the major threads have been covered.
Since there seem to be threads hanging, I would then conclude that there are more stories to come. That's not all bad, because I've enjoyed Grace's story so far and I would be happy to see it continue onward.
This the third story brings us up to date. Grace has recovered the family that she could and had to face that a part of the family is now gone forever. A lot has fallen on her shoulders and she's tried to keep it all to herself. Now she has to decide to let things go into other hands so that her friends can help her.
But, before that happens the group has to work hard to find a cure for the virus that Graces former captors have injected into her bloodstream.
With the knowledge that James of Aurora is implementing the Jericho protocol, which could result in the death of thousands of User ( the gifted people), Grace must use her group to formulate a plan to put an end to the evil that James has been perpetrating upon them. To that end we gear up for full frontal assault.
As usual this book keeps with the pacing between the planning stages and the conflicts. There are more mysteries and more that Grace must learn and absorb. And things might not yet be quite as they seem as they get ready for what should be the final battle.
Anyone that has read the other two should really enjoy this one. There are a lot of answers and a lot of twists and turns that lead to what could still be a complete ending to the series. It's not necessary to answer all of the questions at the end. There is some risk though with some readers if there is too much or part of the more important parts left unresolved or at least left in some grey area.
As usual I will caution that those people having objections to a lot of grammar and spelling problems, they exist here. I usually highlight those and will only mention them when my highlights go beyond ten. Considering that I probably missed a good share, there could be more. You can't get them all even some of the major publishers have that problem, but there is an argument here for another set of eyes that are looking at the material.
That aside this is great story telling for Sci-Fi fantasy lovers. Definitely not a bad series to become involved with especially if there turn out to be more stories.
J.L. Dobias
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