My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I picked up The Hole in the world by J.D. Robinson on someones suggestion.
This is one of those books that starts out with an interesting beginning and then sort of wanders off to do some world building and if you are in a hurry you might get annoyed; however it is helpful to continue on because the nature of the story is such that it needs this buildup.
This is one of those types of stories similar to Philip K Dicks work where things happen for a reason and everything is building up to that point where the reader discovers that everything you just processed has been turned on its ear. For this reader that part was easy to figure out so it was more a matter of waiting for that other shoe to drop. When it does--things get fun. The focus is mostly on three main characters that are done quite well and keep the reader on his toes.
As I mentioned there are a number of word problems. Places where the word in the text doesn't make sense until the reader figures out what should be there. It's not real bad, because after stopping to process it, it is easy to figure out. However for me this lost it a star.
The book could end without the Epilogue--which incidentally leaves room for a sequel.
Definitely heading on to the author's next offering.
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